School Mission

Our mission is to educate children in a holistic manner, serving not just the intellectual but also the social, spiritual, creative and physical needs of every child in our environment.

We believe:
  • We must allow children to discover the joy of learning and foster their journey in becoming life-long learners.
  • We need to trust that each child will lead us to his or her potential, naturally and joyfully.
  • As educators, we must stoke the child’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge without imposing ourselves on him or her.
  • Children must be given the tools to become self-aware and have an authentic self-image through which they can celebrate their gifts and understand their challenges.
  • It is crucial we offer unconditional respect, harmony and security for children in order for them to discover the joy of learning without stress, pressure or competition, so their minds are not shut down.
  • True education occurs through carefully prepared environments that offer experiences in which the child is an active participant and feels safe in expressing dissenting viewpoints.
  • We must focus not just on academics but the inner development of the child by creating a holistic environment where he or she can come into his or her own.
  • We must offer opportunities for children to strengthen their skills in critical thinking and executive functioning while we give them the gift of a strong intellectual foundation.
  • We, as educators, must prepare children for life (not just the classroom) and help them develop universal core values that will lead them to a successful, fulfilling personal and professional life.

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